Preschoolers celebrate Reconciliation Week

Children from our Cavanbah Centre were privileged to connect with Country throughout Reconciliation Week.

A highlight was attending the Jarjum Bush Tucker walk at Piccabeen Park in Bangalow with Aunty Delta.

This excursion offered rich cultural experiences with Aunty Delta sharing Bundjalung traditional dancing, ochre facepainting, learning about their cultural resources, native plants and sharing Dreamtime stories.

‘The children’s deepened understanding of cultural importance remains a central part of our curriculum,’ said Mia Kern, Cultural Facilitator at Byron Bay Preschool.

‘The preschoolers share their Acknowledgement and enjoy learning songs in Bundjalung, to connection with Country.

’ Preschooler Nina said, ‘I liked looking at the plants. We saw leaves and bush tucker and the leaves we did dancing with.’ Another student, Capri, said, ‘I liked the leaf dancing with Aunty Delta.’

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are interwoven in the program throughout the year. In addition to the children’s learning, educators are deeply committed to improving practices by their commitment to the Reconciliation Action Plan and independent team Critical Action Research, ensuring our resources remain appropriate, authentic, and where possible, locally sourced.

The Jarjum mirr unpacked the history of our Country through storytelling and truth telling. This knowledge was shared with families and the wider community, through the Sea of Hearts Community Display.

Early Childhood Teacher Charlotte Teague shared, ‘Many families have expressed their appreciation for the knowledge their children are receiving about our First Nations People and Culture, an education they missed in their schooling.

’ Byron Bay Preschool children understand the importance of their role in maintaining a respectful, cultural appreciation, now more than ever.